The 2024 reunion has been and gone. The reunion was a great success with a
large attendance. John Isaacs was re-elected President, the rest of the Committee
retained their positions. The current committee is:
President: John Isaacs
Secretary: Gail McDermott
Treasurer: Alyn Hawkes
Publications: Brian Webb
Committee Members: Tracey Stephens
Barbara Watson,
Robyn Russell
Webmaster Kerry Harrington
The next annual reunion will be held on - Saturday 31May25 starting at 2.00PM!
The proposed venue for the reunion is the Paddo Hotel, Due to the fact we have
a certain budget to stick to, a requirement of no stairs, sole occupancy of
the room and at least 100 people attending, it was impossible for us to find
a venue right in the City Centre. We investigated the Paddo Tavern and it is
pretty much exactly what we need for the reunion. The Paddo is approximately
4kms from Brisbane City
To download a Bus timetable as a PDF document - Click
* Gail McDermott has provided a Flyer for the reunion - For the latest reunion
info - Click Here!
To see who's going - Click Here!
If you would like to see the pictures Trev Benneworth took at the 2018 Reunion
- Click
And pictures of the 2021 Reunion Click
Pictues of the 2023 Reunion - Click
This is our own Djinnang Association website, where we can keep up to date with news about our mates and upcoming events. You may like to add this site to your favorites so you can visit from time to time.
Ex RAAF Communication personnel and their friends are welcome to join our Association. Members receive an up to date copy of Where are They Now and QTC annually. Perpetual Membership is available for a one off fee of $100.00 or $10.00 for annual membership .
Fees are payable to our Treasurer Alyn Hawkes by cheque to -
119 Winland Drv
Deebing Heights, QLD 4306
Or direct deposit to:
Account: Djinnang Association,
BSB 124-024,
Acct No 10144095
Bank of Queensland.
If the latter method is used, please advise Alyn the Treasurer via the email
form CLICK HERE! so that he can update records.
Don't forget to let your mates know about this site so they can join in and hopefully benefit as well.
All the best!
Kero (Kerry Harrington)